A helping hand to HR professionals since 2004
We established our HR offering at the turn of the millennium and since then, have helped 1000’s professionals find permanent or interim work. We deliver the full spectrum of People and Culture professionals across all sectors.
Proud to be one of the market leaders in the Thames Valley, we work hard for our candidates taking the time to understand the person behind the CV. We offer an honest and consultative approach, leading to relationships built on mutual trust.
We realise how important it is to understand our clients – not just their products, but their cultures, challenges and future plans. This enables us to match the perfect person for their organisations.
The average recruitment experience of our consultants is 25 years. We pride ourselves on the fantastic network this has allowed us to build.
If your career aspiration is to 'reach the top' in HR, download our latest report full of opinions and perspectives from the HR leaders of today.